A Divorce ceremony should recognize the hurt and pain that divorce causes and begin, together with friends and family, the process of healing and the journey forward to a life of peace and happiness. The ceremony process does not abandon the past, but reclaims it.
Within the Ceremony, the following elements may be assembled: prose, poetry, music, and symbols that are chosen as important and meaningful.
Celebrants believe that a ceremony of this kind, friends and family gather for their honoured friend in the spirit of acceptance and love, and to welcome a new day with renewed commitments for growth and fulfilment.
Within the Ceremony, the following elements may be assembled: prose, poetry, music, and symbols that are chosen as important and meaningful.
Celebrants believe that a ceremony of this kind, friends and family gather for their honoured friend in the spirit of acceptance and love, and to welcome a new day with renewed commitments for growth and fulfilment.
Call us: 973.746.1792
Website: www.celebrantinstitute.org
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